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  • Writer's pictureErin Curry

Digital Rights

“Now more than ever, schools…routinely collect an immense amount of personal student data—medical records, behavioral information, online activity (social media use, Internet searches, e-mails), financial data, location information, and more.” (Barnes, 2015).

The collection of student information, as mentioned above, is essential for schools to have on file. Using technology within the classroom is absolutely necessary in today’s age and in order to develop equipped and experienced 21st century learners. However, these two elements of a school cannot be taken lightly or without consideration. The privacy and protection of underage students should be the upmost priority for schools, as it is essential to student’s well-being. Due to the increase in technology, one’s privacy is now no longer reserved as a physical right but is a digital right as well. Students have a right to come to school and be physically safe from harm as much as they deserve to use technology and have their information safe from exploitation. New bills and laws are being established that protect student’s privacy and ensure that their information is not being used improperly. Even with laws being set in place, it is still a teacher’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with the laws and ensure that best practices are being used in the classroom. Educators should strive to model and promote management of personal data, digital identity, and protect student data privacy, as well as mentoring students in safe, legal and ethical practices with digital tools (ISTE, 2017). As an educator, we must never forget that the most important aspect of our job is to keep our students safe and to protect their rights – both physically and digitally.

Barnes, K. (2015, November). The Challenge of Data Privacy - Educational Leadership. ASCD.

ISTE. (2017). ISTE Standards for Educators | ISTE. ISTE.

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